
The most you can have is the maximum”: that’s the noun. In “the maximum amount is the most you can have,” it’s used as an adjective.~~~~~


(especially of something unwelcome)
flourishing or spreading unchecked.

Recently we have heard on the news that the

approaching summer could last until May

and during that time fires will be rampant.

I just hope they are wrong.


Fandango’s One Word Challenge:…Rampant





a town or city with a harbour or access to navigable
water where ships load or unload.

Port Fairy is a river port along Victoria’s

South West Coast,

where the Moyne River

empties into Bass Strait.

Most of my life was spent living within a five-minute drive

of the upper reaches of the Moyne River,

which became a series of water holes

during a long hot summer…


..however, the Moyne was always

home to the Port Fairy fishing fleet.

For those who are/were John Denver fans,

you may remember a televison special he made

while he was Down Under during the Seventies.

Part of  it was filmed off Port Fairy’s coast.




