

Jo’s Monday Walk


Logan’s Beach Whale Nursery


 Decided to have a short break from the sombre

Battlefields of World War I this week.

Friday, August 25, saw me heading off at 0630 to drive

over 180 kilometres back

to Warrnambool and Logan’s Beach Whale Nursery

where Southern Right Whales

come to breed each year.

Thought that I may have captured a decent sunrise

along the way, but no luck there.

The day was not looking too promising.


After my planned breakfast stop about 150 km along the way,

I eventually arrived at a sparsely populated

whale watching platform…


and either west or east not a whale in sight.

Just an interesting sign.


All the questions I have about the sign were answered

when the drone touched down.

The operators were able to tell me there were

two whales 1700 metres out to sea

and a cow and calf about 500 metres east…over the UAV sign.

Not a promising start indeed.

The cow and calf soon appeared much to my delight…

and swam along past the whale watching platform…


taking about half an hour from first sighting to

its cold and windy, lets get out of here.

I heard one of the wildlife officers comment

that the cow would be around 15 – 18 metres long.


I think it was the calf was most active.


However, this was the highest either one rose out of the water.


All of this…

took place less than…

one hundred metres from the sand.

Enlarge this image and you will see

a whale under the text on the photo.

The person on the right is at the foot of

the whale watching platform.

I drove home happy with my day out,

even though I heard that there had been eleven whales

visible the day before.



Jo’s Monday Walk

3 thoughts on “Jo’s-Monday-Walk-Wk34-Logans-Beach-Whale-Nursery

  1. Pingback: Jo’s Monday walk : A sally round Seahouses | restlessjo

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