


a pause in work or during an activity or event.

Breakfast, once known as break fast, usually consists

of two slices of toast and a cup of tea.

 Once or twice each year, however, we lash out

and eat out for breakfast.


There is enough on any one of these plates

to sustain me for a day, so we do

not breakfast out that often.

Known as the Warrnambool Breakwater, this concrete wall

breaks the passage of the waves rolling in from Bass Strait.

Thereby protecting Warnambool’s Beach and Lady Bay

(to the left) from the rough surf beyond the wall.






a place where people work,
such as an office or factory.

For over thirty years a woolshed was my

professional workplace and all others

would have looked better than mine did

from the outside.  However my shed

functioned quite adequately for the few

days each year it was used.


Fandango’s One Word Challenge:…Workplace




Bourke’s Luck Potholes

South Africa

Bales of hay temporarily stacked in layers

before sale.


Gibson Steps Beach and layers in sandstone cliffs.

Green trees and grass at Lake Pertobe


South West Victoria.

The Eildon Weir is the only reservoir image I have I’m afraid.

Lake Eildon covers 13,832 hectares and when filled

to capacity, holds 3,334,158 megalitres of water.

