



(of a pilot or an aircraft) prohibited
or prevented from flying.

A British Airways passenger jet definitely

not grounded as it leaves London’s

Heathrow Airport 



…neither was this aircraft grounded as it

commenced a sightseeeing flight over 

the Okavango Delta from

Maun Airport




This one on the other hand,

is definitely grounded and has not

moved for seven or eight years.







5 thoughts on “Pic-and-Word-Challenge_Wk371-Grounded

    • I’m taking a guess that you are referring to the single engine aircraft, Patrick. It sits in the front yard of a house that is just off the Geelong Ring Road, as you head to the coast from Melbourne. I mentioned that it would look good in our front yard. From memory it was a hot day and the drop in temperature was kind of welcome…for a while. 😉 Subsequently, I had a closer look and I doubt if any of it is visible from the front of the house.


      • Good guess! 🙂

        My father was air force. “Prang” was the word used to describe any untoward event befalling an aircraft. Nose down into the ground is about as perfect a prang as it gets.



      • I have never heard of the word prang used specifically for aircraft mishaps, Patrick. I remember it being used in a more general sense. For example; I had a bit of a prang on Monday March 4 when I ran into the back of a tandem trailer, while on my way to visit my auntie. However, I will concede that prang was around during my primay school days and there were many sons and daughters of ex-service men and women that I went to school with, but still have no idea of which branch of the armed forces their parents served with.

        Liked by 1 person

    • I’m taking a guess that you are referring to the single engine aircraft, Patrick. It sits in the front yard of a house that is just off the Geelong Ring Road, as you head to the coast from Melbourne. I mentioned that it would look good in our front yard. From memory it was a hot day and the drop in temperature was kind of welcome…for a while. 😉 Suubsequently, I had a closer look and I doubt if any of it is visible from the front of the house.


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