

Jo’s Monday Walk2017-Wk-13


Last week I left this journey as we reached

the end of our train trip at almost the top of

Mt Rigi, in Switzerland.

This week I have jumped to the very top of Mt Rigi…

mainly because the walk up was leaving me

a little breathless, although it was nice

to see some of the younger generations

fall behind me…

 Mt Rigi is almost surrounded by three lakes; namely,

Lake Lucerne, Lake Zug and Lake Lauerz.

After a few minutes at the top it was time to retrace our steps…

which I though would be a slower journey

as my knees do no like walking down stairs/hills etc.

It was slower, but it also gave me time to take a few shots.

About half way and still well above the kiosk, on the right,

with the train terminal further down in the middle background.

Mt Rigi kiosk.

This group is just beginning their trek up to the pinnacle…

while we had jostled for our seats on the train

before departing Mt Rigi for a comfortable cruise,

on Lake Lucerne, back to Lucerne.



Jo’s Monday Walk

9 thoughts on “Jo’s-Monday-Walk2017-Wk13-Lucerne3_Mt-Rigi

  1. Pingback: Jo’s Monday walk : A Spring jaunt on Anglesey | restlessjo

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