One Word Photo Challenge-Fairy



I was not sure what to use as a subject this week, until…

Fairy Penguins came to mind, however…

now, to be politically correct, they are known as Little Penguins.

 And then of course there is Port Fairy, where I used to

holiday with family and friends many decades ago.

Port Fairy is a fishing/tourist town and was named

by the crew of the whaler The Fairy in 1828.

In 1835 a whaling station was established

followed by a store in 1839.

Fishing boats still use the Moyne River as their

port of refuge from Bass Strait’s wild weather

and it was in the upper reaches of the Moyne

that I spent many hours swimming

before a swimming pool was constructed

in my home town in about 1966/67.

More history of Port Fairy can be found here.


 One Word Photo Challenge: Fairy


3 thoughts on “One Word Photo Challenge-Fairy

  1. Pingback: One Word Photo Challenge: Family – Jennifer Nichole Wells

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