Cee’s Odd Ball Challenge-Wk-24


Odd Ball

Week 24


I saw this ball on Friday and could only think of one place to use it.

odd_0509It appeared rather lonely and is probably still lonely…

odd_0510because I was not trying to walk on water to fetch it back


Cee’s Odd Ball Challenge-24





Weekly Photo Challenge-Texture


My contribution for this week’s challenge…



Found some good photos and textures at Fort Nepean last Tuesday.

fort_0084This sign is at the gun emplacement which fired the first shot of World War 1.


fort_0028Just hope this shell did not contain any…
fort_0029powder as described above.
fort_0031The texture of the bricks and rings was eye-catching even before this challenge.
fort_0032Fascinating to think that these guns were manoeuvred manually with ropes and pulleys…

fort_0030Ausing these rings which are still embedded in the wall.


